Rabu, 18 Mei 2016

Praise for Doggone Safe and the Be a Tree Program

Wed like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has posted a review for us on the Great Non-Profits review site! There are lots of terrific reviews and we appreciate and read each and every one of them.

If you would like to add your own review we would love to hear about your experience with the Be a Tree program or any of our other resources.

Click here to write a review (we love it when you include your real name, but you dont have to)

Here are a few examples:
Great safety tips on how to get kids to behave properly around dogs. As a professional dog trainer, I really see the need for good safety programs for kids, and Doggone Safe is one of the best! I frequently give the Be A Tree presentation and everyone loves it. While a serious topic, the program has been developed to be entertaining, interactive and carefully repetitive to help kids thoroughly retain the information. The visuals are excellent and the "tools" for learning are fun. Most adults attending learn right along with the kids. Judy Kheen
I am a Pediatric Emergency Room Nurse, and a Certified Professional Dog Trainer. Did you know that ERs across the United States see and average of 1000 dog bites a day! Dog bites have been too long viewed as environmental accidents that cannot be prevented. Thanks to Doggone Safe, we are all learning more, and now we know how we can help to prevent these injuries. Kay Thompson RN
I have provided citizens in our community with canine councilling for over 25 years. Part of our educational plan for our shelter is to reduce the number of owner released animals coming through our doors. Help clients and animals through the adjustment periods of a new relationship. Provide knowledge to help dispel fear, asin our experience as animal control or the city, shows that the majority of dog bites which happen in our community are the result of poor education of the public and fear induced responses by the dogs. Doggone Safes Be A Tree Program incorporates all of the tools needed to make real changes in public perception and we have seen a significant decrease in dog bites toward young children since we have been using the Be A Tree programs in local schools. Be A Tree is the absolute best there is to evoke change.  Robert Metzler, President, Gloucester SPCA
We have incorporated the resources from the Be A Tree Kit into our Bright Puppy lessons at Sit Happens! Companion Dog Training in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Our students are loving it! Thank you Doggone Safe! Jill Dextrase
I am a physician, specializing in Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, who was additionally nearly mauled to death by a German Shepard nearly 35 years ago. I happened upon Doggone safe and the support group several years ago, and have remained an active member ever since that time. The organization has not only benefited me, but I have observed over the years of participation the help and healing that it has brought to others who have survived dog attacks. The educational aspects of Doggone Safe additionally provides the members and general public a multitude of ways to keep themselves and children as well as their animals safe from further dog attacks, which for humans, require 5 million ER and operations per year and up to 30 deaths annually, per CDC report (2008). Shell King MD
Im a professional dog trainer/behaviour therapist and I have used Doggone Safe material for years to educate my clients. I just love their programs! From the Doggone Crazy Board game, Be A Tree Programs to all their bite prevention and safety programs; each have been an invaluable tool. Clients have always found all the material not only informative but fun and easy to understand. Joan and Theresa have done an amazing job with these programs and have always been helpful and supportive in sharing their tools. Keep up the good work & thanks for all that you do :) Sylvia Gottshalk, Delightful Dogs
I am a Certified Humane Education Specialist and I use Doggone Safe Be a Tree program for everything from preschool to adult. I especially like the beautiful photos. They are clear in being able to read the dogs feelings. I have used this presentation to thousands of people over the years. Even adults learn from these presentations. Our dog training classes have also used this outstanding resource. Their Doggone Crazy game is a huge hit for our camps. I have even taken the flash cards from the game to make Trivial Pawsuit Games for larger crouds. We have also used their article models to do press releases during some key holiday times. Great stuff and a wonderful resource. Thank you so much for providing such professional materials to those of us in need.

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