Senin, 25 April 2016

Dog Training with a Remote Ecollar

Like any other type of dog training, Remote Ecollar Dog Training is just that... Training.
Dog training itself is about teaching words to your dog with actions associated with them. You can continue telling your dog No! No! No! with little effect on their behavior or you can teach words with actions that instruct your dog on what To Do.
"Lie Down" or "Go to bed" instead of demanding attention.
"Sit" instead of jumping on guests. "Off" to interrupt your dog before its steals your lunch. "Come" to call your dog back before it gets to the busy street. These are all instructive commands that once learned lead to a better behaved, less stressed and anxious dog.
The modern use of the Remote Ecollar is to use the tool as an association to help teach your dog what To Do, NOT what not to do. It can, of course, be used as a correction once training and understanding of commands have been learned but for our purposes we use it as an association.
Outdated models, yes, gave quite a jolt of a correction but modern models made by reputable companies like Dogtra and Tritronics have a wide range of levels and some start at such extrememly low levels that they are undetectable by most humans. This gives us the ability to tailor our training to even the most sensitive dog by finding the just right level that works comfortably with the dog.
Walk up behind two people engaged in a converstaion and at the same time tap each on the shoulder until one turns around. They may both turn at the same time or one may not feel your tapping until the others attention has been drawn away. Everyone feels sensations on the skin differently. The same with dogs. There is no magic working level.
Once weve found the dogs working level training begins. This means teaching the dog what action we want. We do this by molding or luring the dog into the correct possition. As we teach each new command we build duration of maintaining the command, add distance from the handler/owner while maintaining the command, and begin generalizing the commands to many different places and situations. This gives us a dog that understands "Sit" at home when the doorbell rings as well as "Sit" while you are talking to someone youve met while out on a walk.
As your dog gets more freedom from training, your Remote Ecollar gives you piece of mind that if your dog is out of earshot or too caught up in what they are doing, you can always reach out and touch them to get their attention back.
So remember, Dog Training is about teaching and once you have a proper foundation training possibilities with your Remote Ecollar are endless.

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